Linux 3.1.9adafruit+ armv6l
PuTTY 0.63
WinSCP 5.5.5
- 20140830 Working both examples.
- Choose the " best" Python API:
- Arduino Nampy? - This library allows you to communicate with your Arduino connected via USB using classes and methods really similar to those in the Arduino framework. Behind the scenes , Nanpy communicates via USB with the server part running as Arduino firmware.
- WiringPi?
- OR use Serial Communication and pass commands to Arduino connected.
Install RPIO lib:
- cd ~/
- sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
- sudo easy_install -U RPIO
- git clone
- cd RPIO
- sudo python install
Testing RPIO lib:
- cd ~/RPIO/examples
- PWM Servo example:
- python
- PWM LowLevel example:
- python
Connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino:
- sudo apt-get install python-serial
- Call Python console:
- python
- >>>import serial
- >>>ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 500000)
- >>>ser.readline()
- >>>print ser
- >>>ser.write('3')
Install Arduino lib:
- sudo apt-get install arduino (see links 4 and 5 below)
- RPIO’s documentation
- How to use GPIOs on raspberry pi (Simple I/O, PWM and UART)
- Connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino with Serial USB Cable
- Control your Arduino board with Raspberry Pi and Python (nanpy related)
- NanPy - Server side of Arduino lib