Ubuntu 12.04
PuTTY 0.63
ARIA 2.9.0
- 2015.06.24 - "ARIA has been installed in /usr/local/Aria".
- 2015.06.24 - "ARIA has been installed in /usr/local/Aria" on Ubuntu 14.04. But ARIA APIs and demo app are running an error "ImportError: /usr/local/Aria/python/_AriaPy.so: cannot open shared object file:"
Installing Ubuntu 14.04 for BeagleBone:
- Download Ubuntu for BeagleBone microSD card image (bone-ubuntu-14.04.2-console-armhf-2015-06-11-2gb.img.xz).
- Write image to microSD card using Win32DiskImager.
- Boot BeagleBone Board with RJ45 pluged.
- Access BeagleBone with SSH client (user: ubuntu pass: temppwd)
- Change sudo password:
- sudo -i
- passwd (ubuntu)
- exit
Compiling ARIA from sources:
- Installing dependencies to compile de sources:
- sudo apt-get install binutils-multiarch gcc-4.6 build-essential swig python-dev python-setuptools python-serial
- Configuring Enviroment to recompile ARIA files from sources:
- Create PYTHONPATH and PYTHON_INCLUDE system variable:
- sudo nano ~/.bashrc
- Include these four lines below at the end of this file:
- PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/Aria/python:${PYTHONPATH}"
- PYTHON_INCLUDE="/usr/include/python2.7:${PYTHON_INCLUDE}"
- Start a new shell or reload the config file by running the command below:
- source ~/.bashrc
- Download ARIA 2.9.0 - Other 32-bit Linux systems (Generic compressed TAR archive) with GCC 4.6
- cd ~/
- wget http://robots.mobilerobots.com/ARIA/download/current/ARIA-2.9.0+gcc4.6.tgz
- tar -xzvf ARIA-2.9.0+gcc4.6.tgz
- cd Aria-2.9.0/
- sudo make install
- The result is listed below:
ARIA has been installed in /usr/local/Aria.
To be able to use the ARIA libraries, you must now add /usr/local/Aria/lib
to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, or to the /etc/ld.so.conf system file,
then run 'ldconfig'
- Rebuild Python wrapper Library:
- sudo nano ~/Aria-2.9.0/Makefile
- CXX:=g++-4.6
- PYTHON_INCLUDE:=/usr/include/python2.7
- PYTHON_INCLUDE_FLAGS=-I/usr/include/python2.7
- sudo make python (zzz... +- 1h)
- Setting enviroment variable:
- sudo nano /etc/ld.so.conf.d/aria.conf
- Include these two lines (below) on this file:
- include /usr/local/Aria/lib
- include /usr/local/Aria/python
- configure dynamic linker run-time bindings:
- sudo ldconfig
- BeagleBoardUbuntu
- How to install gcc-4.6 (4.6.3-1ubuntu5) Source Package
- Compile a i386 library on ARM-Cortex Ubuntu distro
- EnvironmentVariables - Official Ubuntu Documentation