Arduino IDE 1.8.7
- Configure Arduino IDE to develop and compile code to the ESP32 boards. Also download and install tools and SDKs files to update the firmware on ESP32 devices.
- Installing Boards support on Arduino IDE:
- Start Arduino IDE and open Preferences window (File -> Preferences);
- Enter, into Additional Board Manager URLs field;
- Open Boards Manager from Tools -> Board menu and install esp8266 (zzz...);
- Open Boards Manager from Tools -> Board menu and install esp32 by Espressif Systems (zzz...);
- Installing Libraries on Arduino IDE:
- Open Boards Manager from Tools -> Manage libraries menu and instal:
- Download Flash Tools (ESP8266 & ESP32):
- Download the latest Flash Tools here.
- Download firmware:
- Updating Firmware:
- Connect ESP to a computer.
- Windows:
- run the ESPFlashDownloadTool_v3.6.5.exe
- Choose the right board model (ESP8266, ESP8265, ESP32)
- Check, locate the binary files and address for bootloader, singleapp partition and user application:
- ESP32:
- 0x1000: bootloader.bin
- 0x4000: partitions_singleapp.bin
- 0x10000: helloworld-esp32.bin (the user main application code)
- ESP8266:
- 0x0: boot_v1.7.bin
- 0x1000:
- 0x3E000: blank.bin
- 0x7C000: esp_init_data_default_v08.bin
- 0x7E000: blank.bin
- Choose a COM port
- Choose Baud Rate 460800
- Flash the *.bin files
- Open Arduino IDE, compile and upload a simple example (e.g., Blink)
- Fix for "sketch is too big" on ESP32 boards:
- Links:
- Files to change on Windows:
- <?>\hardware\espressif\esp32\boards.txt
- <?>\espressif\esp32\tools\partitions\default.csv
- Files to change on MacOS:
- /Users/marcus/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.1/boards.txt
- /Users/marcus/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/1.0.1/tools/partitions/default.csv
- boards.txt:
- lolin32.upload.maximum_size=1638400
- default.cvs:
- # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
- nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000,
- otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000,
- app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0x190000,
- app1, app, ota_1, 0x1A0000,0x190000,
- eeprom, data, 0x99, 0x330000,0x1000,
- spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x331000,0x0CF000,
- Obs: The board restarts itself after this change, maybe it is related. Don't know for sure.
- ESP8266 x ESP32 - Pros and Cons
- ESP32 Specification:
- Number of cores: 2
- Architecture: 32 bit
- Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
- RAM: 512 KB
- FLASH: 16 MB
- GPIO Pins: 36
- Communication Protocols: SPI, IIC, I2S, UART, CAN
- ADC channels: 18 channels
- ADC Resolution: 12-bit
- DAC channels: 2
- DAC Resolution: 8-bit
Arduino Board Configurations:
- ESP8266:
- Wemos D1 mini (GPIO02 = LED):
- Menu Tools -> Board -> LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini
- ESP32:
- ESP32 Mini Kit (GPIO02 = LED):
- Menu Tools -> Board -> WEMOS D1 MINI ESP32
- Menu Tools -> Board -> MH ET LIVE ESP32MiniKit
- ESP32 Lolin 32 lite (GPIO22 = LED):
- Menu Tools -> Board -> SparkfFun ESP32 Thing
- Upload Speed: 115200
- Menu Tools -> Board -> WEMOS LOLIN32
- Upload Speed: 115200
- ESP32-Camera:
- Menu Tools -> Board -> ESP32 Dev Module
- WEMOS D1 R32 (Uno) (GPIO02 = LED):
- Menu Tools -> Board -> WEMOS D1 MINI ESP32
- Upload Speed: 115200