SDFormatter 4.0
PuTTY 0.63
- 2014 09 27 - Wi-Fi working.
- Download Pidora Operating System image (
- Unzip downloaded file.
- Use Win32DiskImager to write the image to SD card.
- Connect a keyboard (USB) and monitor (HDMI) to the Raspberry Pi board.
- Boot Raspberry Pi board with SD card.
- Configure keyboard, timezone, create user "pi", set root password, enable SSH service and DVI adapter. Reboot.
- Login with default user and password (pi raspberry).
Configure Wi-Fi:
- su - (use root password)
- Installing ifconfig package:
- yum provides ifconfig
- yum install net-tools wpa_supplicant dhclient
- chkconfig wpa_supplicant on
- service wpa_supplicant start
- chkconfig NetworkManager on
- service NetworkManager start
- reboot
- Login as root and configure Wi-Fi Network:
- nmcli dev wifi con "myssid" password "myssidpassword"
Checking Network:
- iwconfig
- iwlist scan
- pifconfig
- ifconfig
- Login as root.
- yum update (zzz)