- Task Manager
- <command><option><esc>
- Screen Shot:
- <command><option><h><m> -> Minimize all windows
- <command><shift><3> -> copy entire screen to an image on Desktop;
- <command><shift><4> + <space> + click -> copy the select window to an image;
- <command><shift><4> + define a custom area with the mouse -> copy the selected area to an image;
- <command><shift><5>
- Ifconfig -> Find your IP Address;
- miniterm.py /dev/tty.usbserial-1420 115200 -> Connect to serial device;
- <command><shift><g> -> "Go to folder" in Finder
- sudo chflags nohidden(or hidden) directoryname -> directoryname that you want to see(or not) in Finder. (log out and back in)
- defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE -> Showing all files in Finder. (log out and back in)
- SSH:
- Check if SSH is enabled:
- sudo systemsetup -getremotelogin
- Enable / Disable SSH server (remote access):
- sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on
- sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin off
- sudo nmap -sn -PE -> Ping all 256 IP's of the class C network Using /24 will search 256 address, /23 will search 512 address, /22 will search 1024. Options meaning: -sn (No port scan) -PE (ICMP ping echo).
- ping -c 3 | grep 'bytes from' | awk '{ print $4 }' | sort | uniq -> Ping the broadcast address to return all devices on the network.
- ping 192.168.1 | arp -a -> Ping all IP's and return their MAC address.
- <command><option><esc> -> The basic “Force Quit Applications” window, which can be thought of as a simple task manager for Mac OS X.
- <command><shift><Dot> -> Show hidden files on Mac via Finder. Repeat it to hide them again
Monday, November 5, 2018
MacOS commands
MacOS commands